What's All This?

What is this site?
This is ETsOnly! - the place to let down your tentacles, in peace and security away from the (un-indoctrinated) Earthlings for a while, safe even from each other, even when your purposes and missions are at odds with the Bug Eyed Monster sitting right next to you.
Are you serious?
As serious as jet contrails.
What are ETs?
Not a silly question. Not all "ETs" come from outer space, nor are all of them Bug Eyed Monsters. There are some "aliens" who are really off-shoots of humanity, and others that are clearly not human but are "from Earth" (or used to be) regardless, and so forth. So, for our purposes here, an "ET" is any race, species, mission group or individual, possessing the minimal technological set necessary for interstellar space flight and possessing an organized government and/or mission group organizational structure. Another way to put it is: anything that's not part of the main-stream Earthling culture, and can travel among the stars.
What's a "role playing social media site?"
If we were to say, for purposes of discussion, that this site is not for real, was not really a hang out for actual aliens, if it were, say, only a game it would be a "role playing" website and social media game (or MMUD). "Social media" is the Earthling term, referring to interactive "websites," software that allows multiple users to interact in various ways. Admittedly, Earthlings have some ways to go in their understanding of social interactivity, but it is a promising development. So, if this site was not for real it could be described as a social media role playing website.
Can I run multiple characters?
Of course! Though what we're really talking about are incarnations. You, the being, can run multiple bodies at one time, naturally -- as many of us (even ED Humans) do all the time anyway.

With some help from a few cooperative Els (Elders), the ETsOnly! lounges have enabled a service that allows you to manage any number of bodies or incarnations at one time. Our "reality" control panel provides a bridging service allowing you to skip between your own consciousness nodes. For purely practical reasons, of course.

It's just what you're doing anyway; we're just helping you to do it consciously. No biggie.
How many incarnations can I operate at one time?
Eventually this will be controlled by the type of account you have with us. In the mean time, however, we are restricting everyone to a maximum of 5 characters. They can be of the same species, or of different species. The should at least be of different missions, so that you may experience all the different options in the Conquest of the Earth.
When's this site going to be done?
Two answers:
1) Never! Of course not. It will always be growing and expanding.
2) If you mean "when's it going to start working, and when's there going to be something to do here," then the answer is Pretty Soon! We are working on it every day -- 7 days a week. Not every day sees an update placed on the site, but there are still several "updates" in any given week, generally.
When's the "game" going to be available to play?
If by "game" you mean the ETsOnly! hosted (and MIB supervised) tools, resources, labs, and various adjuncts to your mission here on Earth, known collectively as ETsOnly! - Conquest of the Earth, no, we do not have a sense of humor, at least not that we are aware of then the answer is... before the end of the year (2013, BCE -- using the ISO 8601 standard Earth calendar, not any of the other 40-some calendrical systems currently in use by Earthlings). These tools for helping you in your mission and seeing that purpose fully achieved will be(as Humans say) in "beta testing" by late September, and various folks (ETsOnly! members, of course) will be invited to join us in making sure these systems work. I mean, we don't want to provide you with an option to control a US Senator that levels the top off a mountain in Switzerland, instead, right? Some of this technology is off-planet, of course, so it will need testing.
Tell me about the "survey" to identify what kind of alien I am?
Are you so far "under cover" here in your mission or role on Earth, perhaps posing as a human, that you have forgotten your actual identity? Or is your memory and true identity a casualty of the conflicts here? Did some opposing group wash away your memory or even try to turn you to their purposes? Or did the MIBs Flashy-thing you, because you were a Bad Entity? The survey (also called "The Test") is designed to help identify you based on your feelings about certain basic things. Feelings, having little to do with the analytical processes of Mind, reveal your true self. (Usually, not all species have the same relationship with feelings, of course.) It is not 100% accurate, as there are many alien species and operating mission groups, some of which overlap considerably in these areas. There are also Rogue groups who are not targeted in the test. There are also individual variations: no one member of a species is a perfect representation of his species' tendencies. Still, the test is amazingly accurate, all the same.

Survey temporarily disabled...
How can I not know what kind of alien I am, if I am one?
Some of us here on Earth are operating quite openly. Perhaps with government assistance in private laboratories, or in our own bases, whether under the Antarctic ice caps, under the pyramids, down in deep cave systems, or in forgotten basements in New York, Paris or Moscow. Some of us, however, need to mix with the Human creatures on a daily basis, and so have assumed deep disguises, both physically and psychically. Sometimes, these "disguises" become very real to us and we forget that we are just playing a role, even though the job still gets done. It's a common enough phenomenon. It's just a variation of identity locking. It's also possible that your memory and identity have become victims of the conflicts here. Perhaps your identity was even high-jacked by an opposing group.
But if I'm "undercover" wouldn't (re)discovering my identity amount to blowing my cover?
It could, yes. It might also put you back on to your purpose though. Depends on why your true identity is currently blocked to you. If it turns out, though, that your identity is actually part of your mission, then it can be arranged for that memory cap to be operative when away from the ETsOnly! facilities. We don't judge your mission, nor do we support it. Neither will we interfere with it. It's all good.
How many alien species are there?
You kidding? It's a big Galaxy, dude, and a Big Universe, too. There are more star systems than there are grains of sand on the average Earth beach. See here for corroboration. Given the age of things and agressive way most species colonize as soon as they are able to do so, plus the basic nature of how "life" (a very vague term, truly, but we'll ignore that for the moment) tends to spread (as in panspermia, if nothing else), then it's a safe bet that most of those have life on them. It takes a pretty short period of time for a colony to differentiate from the parent species, too, so that at some point the colony becomes yet another species...

Gosh. Short version: who knows? The Big Game goes on, and always will.
What's an ED Human?
"ED" means simply "Earth Descended." This is to identify the Earthlings as distinct from other human groups / races / species in the galaxy. Though "ED Human" and "Earthling" are often used interchangeably, this is actually incorrect, as Earthling might refer to any life currently roaming around on Earth, including the Elephants, Dolphins, African Grey Parrots and other extremely intelligent creatures. By convention, "Earthling" refers to the main-stream humans living on Earth, however, because African Grey Parrots and even Elephants (in spite of amazing demonstrations of their superlative awareness) are thoroughly disregarded by those same main-stream humans. So, for technical clarity the term is "ED Humans" -- Earth Descended Humans.
Are there other "humans" in the galaxy?
Of course! And humanoids (two legs, two arms, two eyes facing forward only, and a basic bilateral symmetry) in general are as common as dust (or perhaps bacteria). In this corner of the galaxy humanoids pretty much dominate. to our Reptoid brethren, please forgive how the languaging comes out: in ED Human languages, "human" and "humanoid" are uncomfortably similar words, though for our purposes, having completely different meanings. We fully acknowledge that "reptoid" would be equally accurate in a technical sense, and intend no offense. Truly non-humanoid body xenotypes are not common in the local systems (at this time at least -- it wasn't always that way, and doubtless will not always be that way).

But we are talking about humans specifically, which for our purposes would mean any body types where the DNA and body configuration are similar enough to allow cross-breading (a common standard with ED Humans for making a species differential determination). Pleiadians, Bernarians, Sirians, Tau Cetians, Gizans, Antarcticans, and Agharians (to name a few) are all "versions" of Human.
What is the Earth Affairs Council?
The Earth Affairs Council is the main decision making body (government or ruling council, if you like) here at ETsOnly! and operating on Earth. ED ("Earth Descended") Humans like to think they run their own lives. Most of the operating mission groups here on this planet have a vested interested in seeing that illusion preserved, for both pro-Earth and anti-Earth purposes. Even the neutral missions mostly have no interest in the general, run-of-the-mill ED Human discovering that too many of the world's "silly decisions" actually were inspired (coerced, caused, conned) by real, live Aliens operating on Earth. In truth, the Earth Affairs Council does not make all these decision either. For the Earth Affairs Council is far more like Earth's own UN... a nice idea, but truly lacking in any authority or ability to enforce its decisions, and also often lacking in the willingness to take hard stands. Besides, The main governing body of the Council is made up of species and mission groups whose purposes are rather quite at odds with one another.

However, the Earth Affairs Council does have its enforcement arm: the MIBs. As a Member in Good Standing of ETsOnly!, you really don't want to "piss off" (as the ED Humans say) the MIBs. They can make your life... well, disappear actually. Flashy-thing you and your mission might disappear. You might forget you even are an alien and not a human. But, as with the UN Peace Keepers, the MIBs are released infrequently and with great caution.

The Earth Affairs Council is not here to interfere with the various mission groups' purposes. Primarily, it is here to make sure we don't kill off each other, whether that includes the ED Humans or not is not actually up to the Council, but rather up to whoever finally "wins" the Conquest of the Earth.
Why are just those species on the Council? What about all the others?
Any complex organization has its complications. The ETsOnly! lounges and other facilities are meant as a neutral place where all of us, even if our missions conflict with each other, may nevertheless get along with one another in perfect safety. This is potentially a difficult matter, but as with the Earthling "UN" (United Nations) we have worked out a solution; it's not perfect and it falls short here and there of fulfilling its aim, but it functions for the most part. The major players here on Earth are the Arcturians, the Alpha-Draconians, the Greys, the Pleiadians, the Zeta Reticulans, the MIBs and the Humans themselves. (Yes, the humans. More on that later.) Truly, there are dozens of species and mission groups working on, in and near the Earth, but the above hold the majority of the political muscle (meaning military, political, monetary, technological and so forth). The Earth Affairs Council is similar to the Earth's UN's Security Council (though, hopefully, a little more honest and true to its purpose -- then again, perhaps it isn't), in that it makes the majority of decisions but still has to answer to the whole organization from time to time.
How come Earthlings are on the council? They're not aliens...
Given the above definition in What are ETs?, how come Humans are on the Council? Jeez, they don't fit the requirements. Well... humans are a highly divided species. Even just the main-stream Earthlings. Highly divided. They split themselves by nation, state, social class, economic class, clan, dynasty, gender, "skin color" (even though all humans have the same color skin, as any outside observer can see in an instant -- but the variations in shade of that one color matter greatly to the Earthlings), priviledge class, and many other factors. All the ways any young species splits itself up, when it has not yet awakened as a unified species. The point is that among all that diversity, there are also a number of humans who are quite open to and accepting of the Bigger Game, to Galactic Culture and are working to bring Earth to a point of readiness to stand on its own in the Galaxy. These Humans, organized and united by this purpose, do then qualify as a mission group, if not a species. The lack of interstellar flight technology is a small issue, given that they are already here. Also, it is after all, their planet (though, of course, not all Council members agree on this issue privately). The Humans at ETsOnly! are an eager, energetic and intelligent group of ED Humans (Earthlings) and have worked hard to earn their status.
What is the Pleiadian Hegemony?
The Pleiadians are a very powerful operating group here, in this part of the Galaxy. It wasn't always that way (see the Lyran Wars, for instance), but at the moment it is so. Their purpose for humans is to bring them to a point of spiritual enlightenment sufficient that they can finally "open their eyes" and embrace certain basic truths about life and the way the Universe works. Once this occurs then the Earth will be able to join Galactic Culture on its own.

The Pleiadian Hegemony is the Pleiadians' operating arm here in this portion of space. It is a Mission, a Quest, a Political Government
What is the Conquest of the Earth?
Well, if this was a "role playing social media website" (rather than an actual place for ETs to hang out), then the Conquest of the Earth would be a game, where folks come and attempt to "take over the Earth" for their own purposes. Are you wanting to totally own and dominate the planet and all its assets for your own use? Are you wanting to divide it up and sell it in chunks on the Galactic markets? Are you more interested in just playing around in it for whatever fun you can have, especially with the silly humans? Are you here to lift the Humans to the point where they stand on their own and enter into Galactic Culture and, so, come into the Bigger Game on their own, as piers? Do you want the Earth dominated? Liberated? Or to remain as it is? Do you want Global Warming to continue or to be fixed? Are you planning an invasion or are you working to prevent one? Would that invasion interfere with your own invasion? Or would it otherwise harm your own reasons for being here on Earth? Do you work together with others who share your mission purpose or are you attempting to "win" all on your own?

The Conquest of the Earth is a complex interaction of all the efforts of all the players. Simply going along and playing "your own game" will affect the tides of "Who's in Charge" right now. You can play your own game only, you can also play with others, build families and clans who work on larger issues, place whole cities under your influence, or governments, armies, technologies, industries. As with any invasion, take-over, or transformation effort, it all happens on many levels at the same time.
Why would anyone want to take over this planet?
Because it's here and rich and the dominant life form cannot protect itself. 'Nuff said.
How long have aliens been running around on Earth?
How old is the planet? It's pretty young compared to the Galaxy as a whole. Short answer: a long, long time. Just because events on the planet seem to form a relatively simple history doesn't make it so. Appearance isn't always reality. Even Earthling sci-fi has begun to explore the ways in which Earth's history might be vastly more complex than previously supposed (by the Earthlings), without violating any of what's currently known. Earthlings simply have an incomplete picture so far. The foot prints of all the previous tampering is there, all over the place, if you know what to look for.
How old is Galactic Culture?
How old is the Galaxy? This is a more complex question than it seems. Human understanding of time is incomplete. The latest work from physics (from such stellar humans as Stephen Hawking, for instance) have only just begun to notice that the past is not inflexible, as Humans have supposed (and most still do) previously. Short answer: how old is the Galaxy? As old as it (collectively) wants to be at the moment.

So how old is Galactic Culture? It has "risen" and "fallen" many times, as the dramas, games, explorations of its various life forms have waxed and waned. Awareness is always the ultimate complex system and drives all the activities and events that matter to... well... awareness. The most basic definition of a complex system is something whose actions cannot be predicted. Or something that occasionally does the unexpected. (Depending on your personal viewpoint: is the Galaxy half empty or half populated?) In truth, Galactic Culture itself doesn't agree on this issue. The ELs may know, but then the ELs do not really play the same game at all as most of the rest of us, having moved on to (apparently) an even Bigger Game beyond this one.

How old is Galactic Culture? Very, very old. Even in terms of Galactic time. Billions of Earth years old, at least. Life is pervasive. Life happens. Awareness was there at the Big Bang, and the Big Bang was the ultimate "shot at the starting gate," the ultimate "start your engines." What will you do with your part in the Game?

Well... no, not really. The "Big Bang" was not the beginning, but we'll that lie for now.
Who does the alien abductions that Humans talk so much about?
"Abductions" are conducted by various mission groups operating on, in or near the Earth. The Greys are the most "famous" for their efforts. The Arcturians are the most infamous. Usually abductees are returned, often without any knowledge that something happened. Sometimes they are "used up" during the abduction interview. Sometimes a replacement is sent back, instead of the original unit. (There's at least one US Senator, for instance, known to be such a replacement. We believe the Dracs managed that.) Short version: who does the abductions? Almost everybody...
What's with Anal Probing?
Ask the Arcturians; it's their thing, man.
Why would an advanced species, capable of star flight, possibly care about Earthlings?
Humans have a saying about snowflakes, how they are all of them different, even though they are all still snowflakes. Who knows what one can learn from yet another developing planet unless one goes and looks and pokes around? Maybe this "snowflake" will the most important one ever (so far) examined? No way to know until you go find out.

Besides, what makes you think it's the Earthlings or ED Humans the visitors are interested in? Maybe it's the planet, or the solar system that brings them here? Saturn's rings are worth the trip all by themselves. Then there's platinum on your world. I mean... wow. Platinum.

Why would advanced beings visit this world? All sorts of reasons. Don't assume that some one is here to look at you. It may not have a darn thing to do with you. In truth, for some of the visitors, the Humans really are just in the way. For others, Humans are why they are here. And at least one honeymoon couple from a cetacean species are here for the rings of Jupiter.
Are aliens involved with the Earth governments?
Of course. Most, only as they have to be, but nearly all the major Earthling governments have some department or other that is under the control of one or another of the mission groups working on Earth right now. This is one of the important things to establish (usually) in accomplishing your mission(s) here on Earth. Of course, there are many ways to achieve broad levels of control or influence, and the governments are not always the best ones, they are simply the most obvious ones.

As Douglas Adams said (in the galactically famous Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - one of the very few literary exports from Earth, along with the Tao Te Ching and Richard Bach's Illusions): "The president's purpose is not to wield power, but to draw attention away from it." This is a truth for nearly all branches and offices of government, especially on the Earth, where governments are still quite primitive and even now have little concept of "ours" but only of "mine and not-mine."
What goes on at Area 51?
We could tell you that, but then we'd have to Flashy-Thing you.
Is the Earth going to get invaded?
Several species and mission groups have plans to do that. Several other species and mission groups have plans to prevent that from happening. Will it get invaded? Depends...

Or ask any wondering 4D being you happen across (such as an EL, say). Being 4D, he can see the entirety of our 3D world all laid out, including the future. Perhaps... depends on that being's own relationship with 3D quantum phenomena. An EL would (most 3D scholars of the subject believe) be able to answer the question with certainty. The problem is that ELs usually won't answer such questions, being unwilling to tamper with our own experiences. Perhaps, from their "higher" perspective (excuse the pun), they are right, too.
Did Humans evolve naturally on Earth?
Not at all. Main-stream Humans on Earth are all descended from the survivors of a crashed space craft, something between 1 and 1.5 million years ago, containing (apparently) seven females and an unknown number of males of a race that might have been almost any of the known Galactic Humans today. No, Earthlings are just another branch of the varied human form. All life in this Galaxy is more or less related (some obvious exceptions don't need to be mentioned here), so it is perhaps understandable that Earthlings have never really noticed they're not quite like all other Earth life. Similar, yes, compatible, yes. Descended from Earth's own evolutionary process? Clearly not; but in fairness one should acknowledge that it requires an outside perspective to see that.

No: Earthlings ("ED" Humans -- even, though they are, as we just said, NOT truly Earth Descended) are another branch of the Lyran Cradle Humans, along with the Pleiadians, Booteans, Sirians, and so forth. And the Lyran Cradle Humans are, of course, a branch of... well, that doesn't really apply to our purposes here at the moment.
What were the Lyran Wars?
The Lyran Wars (sometimes known as the Lyran-Orion Wars), first began a few million years ago. Though that seems a long time in Earth terms, the effects of these wars are still very much active in this sector of the Galaxy, and are directly responsible for the texture of local politics and even for the Earth itself receiving so much attention. As the aftermath of these wars continues to play itself out, Earth has become rather important, with increasing attention pouring upon it. What happens to Earth, possibly as soon as the next 1,000 years, may have a huge impact on sector politics and even Galactic politics. Earth is reaching "end game" in this small chapter of the Lyran Wars. Some speculate that the final outcome might even be seen within the next 100 Earth years.

The Lyran Wars are detailed elsewhere (in the MIB Library Archives), but in brief it was an actual interstellar war, complete with fleets, lasers and shields, grief and glory and all the trappings of any war, such as the Earth program Star Trek would have lusted for as an "expensive episode," that broke out between the Lyran Cradle Humans and the Reptoids, especially the Alpha-Draconians, who were also expanding in that region of space (this being an expansion following the previous collapse of civilization in this sector of the Galaxy, following the pretty standard 70 million year cycle).

The opening encounters were bloody, brutal and very serious. The Humans were even forced to flee the Lyran star systems. But in the long run, as the Pleiadians will tell you, it was one of the best things that ever happened to them, which has really annoyed the Reptoids, in the long run, who are fairly impatient and rarely care about "larger pictures," as they will tell you themselves quite openly. (If you can get them to say much of anything to you, that is.)
Why would alien species want to help Earthlings?
Why would anyone want to do anything? We all have our reasons. There are various species, mission groups and other forces that want very much to see Earthlings survive, prosper and (in a reasonable time) enter into Galactic Culture. Perhaps this is strictly for altruism. Perhaps Earth is a "chip" in a Bigger Game, though, where a strong, self-aware and stable Earth would strengthen someone's position. Perhaps the ELs feel that Earth is indispensible. Look at all the various species and mission groups individually for what might motivate each of them.
Are aliens causing Global Warming?
No need to. Main-stream Humans are doing the job quite well enough all by themselves.

Besides, not all of the potential invader groups or races want the environment changed. For most visitors, Earth is just fine as it has been. There are only a few groups that might want the climate heated up. Though such conspiracies might make sense to some of ED Humans as a way of explaining the Climate Change phenomenon, (see the movie the Arrival for instance), it's not actually that common a desire. Some of the reptoid species get along well in hotter climes, but there are limits to the temperature ranges in which organic chemistry can function efficiently. Really, blaming it on aliens (even if it is being caused by aliens) is just shifting the blame somewhere else for what the Humans are doing themselves.
Do Aliens own Monsanto?
Own it? No, of course not. Why do you ask?
Were Christ or Buddha aliens?
We'll dodge this question by pointing out that, technically, all Earthlings (Human Earthlings) are aliens, since they are not truly natives to the Earth, but descended from the survivors of a crashed space ship, quite a long time ago. In that context the only truthful answer is yes.

Knocking it back another notch: all Earthly life is "alien" in origin, as the ED Humans are themselves (finally) coming to understand. Quite recent news has (again) announced "for the first time*" that life on Earth may have migrated here from Mars, riding on space junk -- asteroids and debris scattered during impact events with Mars. Naturally, the stuff migrates inward from Mars, over time and a small fraction of the total debris would naturally enough collide with Earth.

What they haven't asked yet (at least publically) is where did life on Mars come from, then? And could this same phenomenon for spreading complex molecules (see articles on nanotech and the MIB wanted posters concerning who (which of you that is) actually released those dang nano-machines (i.e., "cells") in this corner of the galaxy originally, for more information, if you are a non-corporeal or if this info is for any other reason not already obvious to you) -- could this same phenomenon spread these self-replicating 3D nanotech between star systems? They haven't asked it yet, but they will. Between identifying several potentially earth-like planets near-by, some of which are obviously considerably older than Earth, and this near-confirmation of the "panspermia theory" (as the ED Humans call it), that next step is obvious.

What human science has mostly failed to acknowledge so far is how relatively young their system (including their sun) is, compared with the galaxy as a whole. According to their own science, the galaxy is at least 3x older than the star they orbit. (We know it's even older than that, but they don't yet -- and this is marginally prohibited data, as many on the Council believe pointing it out could have grave cultural and social impact -- for reasons too complex to go into at the moment.) The implications of living on a "young planet in an old galaxy" has occurred to almost none of the ED Humans, so far.

So, were Jesus or Buddha aliens? Of course! Neither consciousness nor chemical-autopoiesis (the protein / DNA system and other autopoietic life-generating systems: humans have a variety of interesting articles on autpoietic systems, including not only life systems, but social and economic ones as well -- take a look on Google for some of these, they're interesting if you're curious about how much of this ED Humans currently understand) originated any where even near Earth. (Did we sufficiently dodge that question?)
* It is quite amazing -- even awesome -- how often "discoveries" are announced "for the first time" that were announced years or decades previously or even taught in public school to earlier generations. It's a fascinating thing to watch in the human news media, including their scientific journals: such re-discoveries tend to run in either a 7 or 21 year cycle, for various reasons.
Do aliens have Souls?
No. Not "have" souls. They are souls. You must be a main-stream Human, even to ask that question
(For that matter, do Earthlings have souls?)
No. Not "have" souls. They are souls. You must be a main-stream Human, even to ask that question
Where is God in all this?
The flippant answer is, any where He wants to be. The less flippant answer, for those who seriously don't know, is that the Universe IS God, and God is more than that. Like a Human Buddhist koan, when you figure that out, you will understand.

Concerning "God" as a concept on Earth... this is a topic best avoided by visitors until you have a serious grounding in the various conceptions, misconceptions and gut-bustingly humorous attitudes ED Humans flagrantly embrace under this extremely loose term. What Humans usually mean is "the Creator of the World" and often "He who determines what happens to me after my body-death." Wars, murders, torture and endless other atrocities are committed in His name, so also are many great works and higher vibrational actions. Short version: the main stream conceptions and understanding of God have very little to do with what most visitors would mean by the term, even if you hunt around for "better translations" (which you usually won't find, because human languages are tightly bound to mental equivalents that are highly subjective and are not included with the word forms themselves... yeah, we know. It's one of the biggest problems Humans face, this virtual impossibility to know that any communication will actually be understood as intended).
What are "higher dimensions" so many aliens and alien-chanellers seem to talk about?
Higher dimensions are exactly that: larger spatial domains. We know from previous experience that it's fairly difficult for ED Humans to grasp intuitively the concept of dimensions, higher (more) dimensions and (especially) variable/fractional dimensions. Yet they are crucial to a greater understanding of the underlying "reality" of our Universe, and the Bigger Game that goes on in our Galaxy.

For benefit of those who really need to know: imagine your world is 2 dimensional, as a piece of paper. Only it truly has zero thickness, so that a million such "sheets" could be stacked on top of each other but take up no "thickness" in any 3D space they happen to be so stacked in.

Mm... think about a ream of paper, 500 sheets, real paper, but give it literally no thickness. An infinite amount of paper would take up the same amount of space in any 3D space they happen to be in. To these 2D "worlds" which might look like sheets of paper to us, our 3D realm would be a "higher dimension." Can folks living in a "flat land" ever really understand life or existence in a 3D space? Can they ever experience it? Not directly. Perhaps with mathematics the concepts can be grasped intellectually, but to really experience living in a higher spatial domain might be possible only with synthetic assistance (sensory enhancement).

Now take it up a notch. Imagine a 4D space, where an infinite number of 3D "sheets" (cubes, really) could be stacked quite easily, taking up no distance at all along that 4th direction. That is, think of a "container" where in an infinite number of Our Universes could be staked side by side without ever noticing each other and yet, technically, occupying the same "space."

What's a higher dimension? Another direction, that can only be pointed at from that higher dimensional space. A 2D being could never point in the direction of "height," no matter how much he might want to. Life is profoundly affected by the number of physical dimensions it has available to it, and so is the expression of consciousness. Ponder this a while, examine some of the data on the ELs and other advanced awarenesses, and maybe your question will start to answer itself.
Do Aliens use "warp drive" on their "star ships?"
No, stupid. This is real life.
Is there a "United Federation of Planets?"
Avoiding the flippant and obvious response "didn't you read the previous FAQ?"... actually there is something very much like the United Federation of Planets (UFP) (which is a human literary concept, embodied in the "sandbox" of work known collectively as Star Trek) operating at various levels within the Galaxy.

In this region of the Galaxy, the most immediate such body is the Pleiadian Hegemony, who are dedicated peace keepers, much as Star Trek's UFP. But the similarities are few, really. Which brings us back to the original "flippant" answer. No stupid: this is real life.
How do aliens travel between the stars, then?
Obviously, if you are an alien visitor here then you already know at least one method for doing this. On the other hand, you might be a mission group member who has never actually been off planet (yet, at least), or a member of one of the Earth-based mission groups (such as the Gizans or "Shastans" [Lemurians], etc), or even an ED Human visitor to the Lounges, then you may not know. Of course!

In brief, we'll tell you there are at least seven ways of travelling effectively across interstellar distances. The easiest is also the least flashy. Some use termendous resources and some use almost none, or even none. The bridging concept is to realize that space is not what it seems to be when viewed only with the normal 3D senses. The trick lies in the means and ways of turning that into technology or technique for travelling.

Four-D and Five-D beings will often tell you, "Just be there! It's simple!!" Well... to them it is, to be sure. Some 3D beings can also bridge that conceptual gap (pardon the pun), and simply be where they wish to be. Most of us, though, need some technological or mechanical process that amounts to "going there" in order to end up at a new place.
Oh well... no one's perfect.
How is Galactic Culture Organized?
By "organized" we will assume we are actually asking what is the nature of Galactic government and inter-species / interstellar relations across the Galaxy as a whole. As befitting something as complex as an entire Galaxy must necessarily be, variously. There is a top-level council, many (times many) secondary level governing bodies and so on. There is no simple model of government to which it may be compared (democracy, socialism, communism, plutocracy, oligarchy, etc... none of the ED Human terms come close enough to be of use here). It is a complex system, sometimes (in some parts of the Galaxy) utterly meaningless. In some places it is inherently top-down, meaning authoritative, and other places it is bottom-up, meaning libertarian or favoring the individual...

There are species who are quite beyond interacting with most other species, who could never be controlled and would no more consider respecting our requests to them than a Human would consider a petition from a group of cockroaches. But they have their own purposes, however poorly understand those might be to us, and generally take very little notice of the "cockroaches."

There are also many (times many) developing worlds and systems of worlds, who are not part of Galactic Culture (yet) and may or not ever be. There are also plenty of species and world systems who are well aware of Galactic Culture but have zero interest in joining in.

Hmm... the actual true answer to this is that it doesn't really apply our discussions or activities here at ETsOnly! Let's just leave it as the Pleiadian Hegemony is the most important local power, and its influence on things that happen here on Earth is demonstrated by the fact the Earth Affairs Council and the ETsOnly! lounges and facilities even exist.

More can be (or will be) found in the MIB Library Archives.
What is this "Bigger Game" you keep referring to?
What? You think Earth is the only game in the Galaxy? Earth, though important for too many reasons to enumerate here (some would even say critical), is ultimately small potatoes (see Earth linguistics database, if that phrase is obscure). There are many "Bigger Games" and then games beyond those as well. Even the Universe is ultimately a player on an even Bigger Game board. But all that's obvious really, isn't it? The higher you go, the higher there is to go, yes?


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